Monday, September 19, 2011

Oil Coolant Hoses?

I am getting my oil coolant hoses changed today and I am wondering if they are going to do an oil change as well? And no it is not my engine coolant hoses or anything to do with my radiator. I bought the OIL coolant hoses yesterdays and they are pipes and hoses. Thanks.
Oil Coolant Hoses?
They are not likely to change you oil unless you ask, they will probably just top it off. Ask for the oil to be changed if you need it done.
Oil Coolant Hoses?
That's my nickname for it.
Those are the hoses that supply coolant to the oil cooler, so it's still just antifreeze they're dealing with. No, they most likely will not need to drain the oil, so they won't be changing the oil... could ask them to, while they're at it. Good Luck!
its optional,it should be only if u want them to.
The oil will need to be drained to do the job, they %26quot;should%26quot; change the oil and filter after. May want to check with them to be sure they did.
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