Friday, June 3, 2011
My 97 Corolla's radiator fan does not start even when the engine is very hot?
I suspect that the themostat is faulty. Becuase it takes lengthy time for the engine to get warm enough as temp. gauge shows, so it maybe stuck open. Both radiator hoses become hot. But I am not sure if I change the t-stat the fan will work properly..?. the rely is fine as i checked.|||How much time does it take to warm up. If its anywhere from 3-5 mins I would think that%26#039;s normal. If the t-stat was stuck open, your car would take a long time to warm up but it would never get hot especially in cold weather (you wouldn%26#039;t have a warm heater) Did you check the fuse for the fan and not just the relay? Might just be the fan is bad. Hook it up to a battery charger or directly to the battery and see if it works.|||Well, then it%26#039;s either a faulty temp sensor, bad fan motor, or a broken wire to the fan relay or from the fan relay to the fan.|||possibly you need a new cooling fan check to see if there is a fuse burnt or a fuseable link bad also hope this helps i think what you are talking about is an electric cooling fan
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