I've been spending a lot of time making taking care of my truck myself a new hobbie.
I've spent about a thousand dollars so far.
Myself ive changed out the water pump, hoses, radiator(it was cracked), fuel filter, air filter, brakes, brake drums, and so on....
Its very rewarding to take care of these things yourself and have the peice of mind that your vehicle is running fine.
But now....
I changed out the tranny fluid ad the tranny filter.....
There wasnt a factory gasket on there so I know it has been serviced at least once before before I got this vehicle.
But now...
After changing this fluid at 99,000 miles on my 2001 gmc jimmy 4wd....
I have lost all power in first gear.
When I put it in drive... it takes far to long to get up to speed into 2nd gear before i can take off no problem...
this sucks...
My service engine light is on now.
I called my mechanic and he told me I should have never changed the fluid.
Now, when I put it in first gear, i dont have much of a problem, just in drive.
I can put it in 1st gear and work my way up as if it were manual.
So my question is...
Where can I buy a very cheap gun to kill myself.
My mechanic told me this will cost in the thousands.
I dont have that kind of money.
I am so skrewed.
Thats what I get for taking care of business myself.
What can I do?
WHy has this happened?
And does anyone have a couple thousand they want to donate.
Please tell me anything you can.
I am so very upset right now.
GMC Jimmy Tranny, Changed the fluid, now have problems.?
Did the transmission just start acting up after you change the fluid? If it did take it to a transmission shop and have them check it out.
A code reader will tell them of a problem. You probably knocked the plug off a shift solenoid and that's why it set a light and now shifts wrong.
Have them look at it and tell you of the fix. If you did knock off the wires all they will have to do is drop the pan and fix it. Not and expensive repair. Don't continue driving it will messed up or you will make it worse.................md
GMC Jimmy Tranny, Changed the fluid, now have problems.?
double check your fluid level,and remember if your engine is cold it has to be running to get the correct level reading on the dipstick,why would your mechanic tell you to never change th fluid? guns can still be purchased at pawn shops.
1st thing you need to do is drop the pan again, make sure the filter is actually pushed into the hole, no wires are pinched and nothing is disconnected. If that is all ok and problem still exists then you can worry about the serious money it will take... :)
Also be aware that 4x4 ( its deeper ) has a different filter than 2x2.
Unfortunately, this often happens when the fluid is changed in a transmission that has been neglected. It is because the clutch packs in your trans are worn out, and they were relying on the grindings in your old trans fluid to get traction on each other, so they could properly 'hold' the appropriate part of the gear set.
Don't worry though, you might get lucky. When I was looking for an engine for my truck, I found a nice one at the wreckers with only 3000 miles on it. So have a look around in the wreck yards in your area, you should be able to find a trans for pretty cheap.
These other fellows in here might have it right, your trans is electronic. Maybe you have disturbed the wiring for the solenoids in some way. It certainly wouldn't hurt to re-check your work.
I've got a 1991 Chevy 2500 with 246,000 miles on it. Never changed fluid, and never going to. (that's why)
you may have over filled it and blew the seals out maybe just to clarify this theory warm your truck up and check the tranny oil while its running and if it has way to much theirs your problem if not idk what to tell you
What year is this thing???? You may have used the wrong fluid, easy to do. The correct fluid will clearly state on the label %26quot;designed for use in GM transmissions from (date, to date). Most later model transes use exclusively synthetic fluids. Many shops only carry non-synthetic fluids. Using the improper fluid is a sure disaster. Read your owner's manual or consult the dealer. I would only use Mobil One synthetic oil in this, but only if it states that it meets GM specs. DIfferent fluids from different manufacturers have very different viscosities and friction coefficients. Also, when you remove the pan, use chlorinated brake clean to remove all the fuzzy clutch material that may be sticking to your valve body. This will hamper the correct movement of the valves, causing shift troubles. Remember, your torque converter holds at least 2 quarts of old, broken down fluid in it. You may have to drain and fill2-3 times to get things working again. If you do, change the fluid again next year. This will NOT cost thousands!!! I have saved many transmission from improper servicing. Each vehicle uses fluids with different chemicla properties. Believe me!!
You are not screwed. The fact that the tranny will shift manually is proof of that. You simply neglected one thing before you flushed the fluid. You should have added a good quality pre-flush cleaner and let it circulate about 15 minutes before the flush. I prefer BG Quick Clean for Automatic Transmissions but almost any premium brand of transmission pre-flush cleaner will do the job.
You now have 2 options... do it again the right way or pull the valve body assembly and give it a thorough internal cleaning with parts cleaner. It's a very simple task but if you don't trust yourself with the disassembly and re-assembly of the valve body then just remove the valve body and take it to a tranny repair shop and ask them to clean it for you.
I have flushed many high mileage automatic transmissions and I would bet the ranch that many of them have never been serviced. But contrary to what some people say about transmission problems after doing that, I have never, not even once, had a transmission return with problems caused by the flush. But at the shop I worked at pre-flush cleaning was routine. And in addition to that, if there was any visible traces of gum, varnish, sludge, or hardened deposits when changing the filter after the pre-flush cleaning, it was routine to recommend removal of the valve body for a thorough internal cleaning and inspection.
So as I said above, you have 2 options now. Do the flush again the right way, using a good quality pre-flush cleaner and let it circulate for about 15 minutes before the flush or pull the valve body assembly and give it a thorough internal cleaning with parts cleaner.
Good luck restoring smooth %26quot;automatic%26quot; shifts to your tranny.
think don w has got the answer Ithink you got the wrong filter or did not install properly.. did you change the seal if you did check that you got it back in place and look for wires either broken or out of place the serv engine soon lite is coming on for a reason... probably low press..
don't freak out yet all is not lost hang in check a couple of things first..
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